Prioleau Alexander has been a professional writer for 30 years… 15 years in advertising, then working as a free-lance writer, journalist, humorist (focusing on politics and non-fiction humor), and author.

Press & General Inquiries

Trying to contact Prioleau Alexander for his website feels like sending a message in a bottle and hoping it reaches the shores of his inbox. You click the "Contact" button and suddenly find yourself in a digital labyrinth filled with riddles, puzzles, and little boxes to fill in. First, you have to decode the secret handshake, which involves typing "I come in peace" in the subject line. Then, you must correctly guess the number of cups of coffee he's had in the last hour (if it’s after 5pm, change that to beers). Finally, you have to compose an email that's both witty and concise, like trying to write a haiku about quantum physics. But hey, if you manage to navigate this treacherous path and actually get in touch, congratulations! You've just earned yourself a front-row seat to what will be the weirdest author-website interaction in literary history.